Better Data +
Rigorous Analysis +
Strategic Thinking + Collaborative Action
= Superior Results
We Specialize in:
Industrial Diversification and Economic Restructuring
Talent Development and Entrepreneurship
Inclusion and Collaboration
Diane Lupke & Associates, Inc. boasts experience in economic analysis, strategic planning, and positioning with more than 100 clients from 15 countries, and 39 states.
- Diane C. Lupke, CEcD FM HLM
Project Profiles
Our work spans market analysis, organizational advancement, strategic planning, industrial restructuring, and community economic development.
Why Choose Us?
There is no one solution to spur positive economic change. Lupke consultants bring experience, creativity, and determination to find practical solutions for today that build wealth for tomorrow.
We have a solid history of helping smaller communities deal with difficult economic issues.
​We develop customized strategies that advance local economies and reconnect them to a growing region.

The Lupke philosophy embraces economic development that builds wealth, not just relocates it. Business recruitment, enterprise creation, and job development are highly targeted to link existing businesses and resident skills with mature and emerging regional cluster activity.
- Diane C. Lupke CEcD FM HLM